Warm Up:
400m Row
200m Jog
100 Jump Rope
50 sec Plank
25 Tuck ups or in and outs
12 Glute Bridge
Performance: Deadlift: 2-2-2-2
*keep loads moderate to moderate heavy focusing on sound mechanics
5 sets:
2 Wall Walks
9 Deadlift (135/95)
15 Box Jumps
*rest one minute between sets-
Fitness: EMOM 9 or 3 Rounds
7/7 Single Leg RDL
15 Hollow Rocks or hold + 20 Flutter Kicks
20 Bench Dips or Tricep Pull downs
3 sets: AMRAP x 4 Minutes
12 Sit Ups
9 Kb Swings
6 Cal
*rest one minute between AMRAPS
Cashout: Coaches Choice