Warm Up: 7 Min AMRAP:
10 Step Up
20 Plank Taps
30 Sec Palio Chair
Lateral Band walk
Prowler Push (light)
3 x 10 BB Back Rack Lunges (5/5)
Superset W/
5 Strict Pull Ups (add pause or slow reps down if possible)
*build to a moderate load for lunges
EMOM x 20 Minutes
10/8 Cal Bike
10 Thruster (75/45)
* find a sustainable pace on bike and the barbell
Buy In: 20/15 Cal
5 Rounds for time:
12 DB Thruster
10 Sit ups
8 Ring Rows
6 Burpees
Cash Out: 20/15 Cal
*score is total time counting buy in and cash out
Cashout: 2 Rounds
10/10 Side Oblique bends
30 second weighted flutter kick
10 Superman
Strength Training:
Bench Press = 5 x 3
Pause Bench = 3 x 5 (3 sec hold at bottom)
Close Grip DB Bench = 3 x 10
Cable Triceps Pushdown = 3 x 25