Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Kick Outs
- Floor Sweeps
- Lunge w/ Twist
- Lateral Shuffle
2 x 10:
- Banded Row
- Banded Press
- Band Pull Apart
- KB High Pull (No Deadlift)
- 1/4 Squat Jumps
Strength (1-1-1-1-1):
- Power Clean
* Work up to a heavy single *
Met-Con (5 RFT):
- 100m Run
- 4 Bar Over Burpees
- 8 Front Squats (135/95)
- 12 Pull Ups
* Increase run by 100m every round *
* Score = Total Time *
Strength (3-3-3-3-3):
- Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull
* Work up to a heavy set of 3 *
Met-Con (5 RFT):
- 100m Run
- 4 Bar Over Burpees
- 8 DB Front Squat (30/20)
- 12 Ring Row
* Increase run by 100m every round *
* Score = Total time *
Cash Out (5 Rounds):
- Max Calorie Row (30 sec)
* Rest 2 min between rounds *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Lat Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Lizard Pose
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Kick Outs
- Floor Sweeps
- Lunge w/ Twist
- Lateral Shuffle
Met-Con (5 RFT):
- 100m Run
- 4 Bar Over Burpees
- 8 DB Front Squat (30/20)
- 12 Ring Row
* Increase run by 100m every round *
* Score = Total time *
Cash Out (5 Rounds):
- Max Calorie Row (30 sec)
* Rest 2 min between rounds *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Lat Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Lizard Pose
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll