"Iron Man"
Recognize this guy? Be the first to email us his name and win a $10 Subway gift card. thecrunchmax@gmail.com
Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Buut Kicks
- Floor Sweeps
- Crawling Spiderman
2 Rounds (NFT):
- Banded Lateral Walk (20/20)
- Monster Walk (20/20)
- Hip Swings (10/10)
Complete (NFT):
- Spiderman Complex
- Dead Bug (1 Min)
Strength (5-3-1):
- Front Squat
* Warm up as needed to a heavy set of 5 *
* Add weight for 3 and 1 sets *
* Max reps on 1 set *
Met-Con (EMOM For 15 Min):
- Min 1: 10 Barbell Back Squats
- Min 2: Calorie Row (15/10)
- Min 3: 15 V-Ups
Strength (10-10-10-10-10):
- DB Front Squat
* Go heavy *
Met-Con (EMOM For 15 Min):
- Min 1: 10 Plate Squats (45/25)
- Min 2: Calorie Row (12/8)
- Min 3: 15 Sit Ups
Cash Out (3 Rounds Each Side):
- 15 Side Toe Touch
- 15 Knee 2 Elbow
- 30 sec Side Plank
- 15 Side Plank Hip Dip
- 15 Lateral Leg Lift
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Fragon
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Buut Kicks
- Floor Sweeps
- Crawling Spiderman
Met-Con (EMOM For 15 Min):
- Min 1: 10 Plate Squats (45/25)
- Min 2: Calorie Row (12/8)
- Min 3: 15 Sit Ups
Cash Out (3 Rounds Each Side):
- 15 Side Toe Touch
- 15 Knee 2 Elbow
- 30 sec Side Plank
- 15 Side Plank Hip Dip
- 15 Lateral Leg Lift
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Twisted Cross
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Fragon
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll