"Setting Times"
Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
- Foam Roll (5-10 min)
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Kick Outs
- Lunge w/ Twist
- Floor Sweeps
- Lateral Shuffle
2 Rounds:
- 20 PVC Pass Thrus
- Paleo Chair (20 sec)
Strength (Complete):
- Alternating Single Arm DB Press (10-8-6-4-2)
* One arm is always locked out overhead *
* All reps for each arm *
* Work up in weight if possible *
Superset with...
- Barbell Bent Over Row (10-10-10-10-10)
Met-Con (14 Min Ladder):
- Pull Ups
- Up Downs
- Deadlift (135/95/55)
* Work up in weight on Deadlift *
* Stop at 14 min or Round 18 *
Strength (Complete):
- Alternating Single Arm DB Press (10-8-6-4-2)
* One arm is always locked out overhead *
* All reps for each arm *
* Work up in weight if possible *
Superset with...
- KB Chainsaw (5 x 10)
* 5 reps each arm *
Met-Con (14 Min Ladder):
- Ring Row
- Up Downs
- KB Deadlift (70/53/35)
* Work up in weight on Deadlift *
* Stop at 14 min or Round 18 *
Extra Credit (1,000m Row):
- Now is the time to set a time.
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Capsule Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Seated Front Fold
- Supine Twist
- Pigeon Pose
- Butterfly
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Down & Back):
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Kick Outs
- Lunge w/ Twist
- Floor Sweeps
- Lateral Shuffle
Met-Con (14 Min Ladder):
- Ring Row
- Up Downs
- KB Deadlift (70/53/35)
* Work up in weight on Deadlift *
* Stop at 14 min or Round 18 *
Extra Credit (1,000m Row):
- Now is the time to set a time.
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Capsule Stretch
- Twisted Cross
- Seated Front Fold
- Supine Twist
- Pigeon Pose
- Butterfly
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll