"Increase The Bench"
Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
- 400m Jog
3 Rounds:
- 10 Banded Press
- 10 Banded Row
- 10 Band Pull Aparts
Strength (5-5-3-3-1-1):
- Bench Press
* Try adding 5# from Friday *
Met-Con (2 Rounds):
3 Min AMRAPs:
- 10 DB Bench Press
- 10 DB Front Rack Lunges
* Use same weight for both moves *
* 1 min rest between rounds *
Then Straight Into....
EMOM For 5 Min:
- 10 Sit Ups
* Plank remainder of min *
Strength (8-8-8-8-8):
- DB Floor Press
* Use same weight for all sets *
* Try adding 5# from Friday *
Met-Con (2 Rounds):
3 Min AMRAPs:
- 10 DB Floor Press
- 10 DB Suitcase Lunges
* Use same weight for both moves *
* 1 min rest between rounds *
Then Straight Into....
EMOM For 5 Min:
- 10 Sit Ups
* Plank remainder of min *
Cash Out (3 Min):
- Max Calorie Row
Mobility (NFT):
- Pigeon Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Chest Opener
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Twisted Cross
- Puppy Dog
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (2 Rounds):
3 Min AMRAPs:
- Max Calorie Row
* Rest 1 min between rounds *
Met-Con (2 Rounds):
3 Min AMRAPs:
- 10 DB Bench Press
- 10 DB Front Rack Lunges
* Use same weight for both moves *
* 1 min rest between rounds *
Then Straight Into....
EMOM For 5 Min:
- 10 Sit Ups
* Plank remainder of min *
Mobility (NFT):
- Pigeon Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Chest Opener
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Twisted Cross
- Puppy Dog
- Foam Roll