Daily Programming
Warm Up (Spell Your Middle Name):
- A: 50 Jumping Jacks
- B: 20 Crunches
- C: 30 Air Squats
- D: 15 Push Ups
- E: Wall Sit (1 Min)
- F: 10 Burpees
- G: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- H: 20 Air Squats
- I: 30 Jumping Jacks
- J: 15 Crunches
- K: 10 Push Ups
- L: Wall Sit (2 Min)
- M: 20 Burpees
- N: 40 Jumping Jacks
- O: 20 Burpees
- P: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- Q: 30 Crunches
- R: 15 Push Ups
- S: 15 Burpees
- T: 15 Air Squats
- U: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- V: Wall Sit (2 Min)
- W: 20 Burpees
- X: 60 Jumping Jacks
- Y: 10 Crunches
- Z: 20 Jumping Jacks
Strength (3 x 10):
- DB Front Raise
- DB Lateral Raise
- DB Arnold Press
- DB Tricep Kickback
* The DBs don't need to be heavy on these *
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
- Even Min: 7 Barbell Thrusters (95/55)
- Odd Min: 20 Lateral Bar Hops (20 Totals Reps)
Strength (3 x 10):
- DB Front Raise
- DB Lateral Raise
- DB Arnold Press
- DB Tricep Kickback
* The DBs don't need to be heavy on these *
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
- Even Min: 7 DB Thrusters (30/15)
- Odd Min: 20 Lateral Bar Hops (20 Totals Reps)
Cash Out (Complete):
- 50 Bicycle
- 50 Russian Twist
- 50 Flutter Kicks
* 100 total reps on all moves *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Bilateral Shoulder Flexion
- Internal Shoulder Rotation
- Puppy Dog
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Spell Your Middle Name):
- A: 50 Jumping Jacks
- B: 20 Crunches
- C: 30 Air Squats
- D: 15 Push Ups
- E: Wall Sit (1 Min)
- F: 10 Burpees
- G: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- H: 20 Air Squats
- I: 30 Jumping Jacks
- J: 15 Crunches
- K: 10 Push Ups
- L: Wall Sit (2 Min)
- M: 20 Burpees
- N: 40 Jumping Jacks
- O: 20 Burpees
- P: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- Q: 30 Crunches
- R: 15 Push Ups
- S: 15 Burpees
- T: 15 Air Squats
- U: Arm Circles (30 sec)
- V: Wall Sit (2 Min)
- W: 20 Burpees
- X: 60 Jumping Jacks
- Y: 10 Crunches
- Z: 20 Jumping Jacks
Met-Con (EMOM For 20 Min):
- Even Min: 7 DB Thrusters (30/15)
- Odd Min: 20 Lateral Bar Hops (20 Totals Reps)
Cash Out (Complete):
- 50 Bicycle
- 50 Russian Twist
- 50 Flutter Kicks
* 100 total reps on all moves *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Bilateral Shoulder Flexion
- Internal Shoulder Rotation
- Puppy Dog
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll