"Crunchfest Is Coming"
“If you’re doing Crunchfest Saturday, first off, congratulations!! Secondly, you may want to spend more time mobilizing. Be sure to ask your trainer for tips so you can be your best on Saturday!!”
Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
5 Reps Each Side:
- Knee Pull
- Hip Pull
- Quad Pull
- Plank Shoulder Tap
- Speed Skater
Strength (3 x 10):
- DB Floor Press w/ Feet Elevated
- Triceps Extension OR Pull Downs
- T-Bar Row
* Make sure last 3 reps are tough *
* Try to add 5# from last week *
Met-Con (Tabata):
8 Rounds @ Each Couplet (4 Each Move):
- Air Squats/DB Front Squats
- Push Ups/DB Push Press
- Pillar Plank/Sit Ups
- Bent Over Row/Chin Ups
* All 8 rounds before moving on *
* Alternate between moves in couplet *
* 1 min rest between couplets *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/Ball
- Chest Opener
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Puppy Dog
- Fragon
- Frog Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Front Fold
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
5 Reps Each Side:
- Knee Pull
- Hip Pull
- Quad Pull
- Plank Shoulder Tap
- Speed Skater
Met-Con (Tabata):
8 Rounds @ Each Couplet (4 Each Move):
- Air Squats/DB Front Squats
- Push Ups/DB Push Press
- Pillar Plank/Sit Ups
- Bent Over Row/Chin Ups
* All 8 rounds before moving on *
* Alternate between moves in couplet *
* 1 min rest between couplets *
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/Ball
- Chest Opener
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Puppy Dog
- Fragon
- Frog Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Front Fold
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Foam Roll