Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
- 2 Min. Row (Meters)
- 2 Min. Assault Bike (60-65 RPM)
- 2 Min. Jump Rope OR Step Up
Strength (4 Rounds NFT):
- 10 DB Walking Lunges (5/5)
- 5 TTB OR 10 Tucks Ups
- 5 Ring Dips OR 10 Bench Dips
* Add weight each set on Lunges *
* Holding DBs in Suitcase position *
Met-Con (12 Min AMRAP):
- Wall Balls (20/14/10)
- Weighted Sit Up
- Lateral Box Over (24"/20"/16")
* Use same ball for Sit Ups and Wall Balls *
* Score is total reps *
* Post score to Train Heroic OR Whiteboard *
Cash Out (2 Rounds):
- Double Arm Rope Slams (20 sec)
- Alternating Single Arm Rope Slams (20 sec)
- Figure 8 Rope Slams (20 sec)
* Rest 1 min between rounds *
Mobility (NFT):
- Banded Hip Distractions
- Lateral Hip Opener
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Smash Shoulders w/Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
- 2 Min. Row (Meters)
- 2 Min. Assault Bike (60-65 RPM)
- 2 Min. Jump Rope OR Step Up
Met-Con (12 Min AMRAP):
- Wall Balls (14/10)
- Weighted Sit Up
- Lateral Box Over (20"/16")
* Use same ball for Sit Ups and Wall Balls *
* Score is total reps *
* Post score to Train Heroic OR Whiteboard *
Cash Out (2 Rounds):
- Double Arm Rope Slams (20 sec)
- Alternating Single Arm Rope Slams (20 sec)
- Figure 8 Rope Slams (20 sec)
* Rest 1 min between rounds *
Mobility (NFT):
- Banded Hip Distractions
- Lateral Hip Opener
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Smash Shoulders w/Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll