20 Plate Back Squats * All moves done with same plate * * 5 Burpee penalty every time reps are stopped * * Split reps except for the run * * Partner doesn't have plate on run *
Mobility (NFT):
Front Fold
Frog Pose
Pigeon Pose
Couch Stretch
T-Spine Work
Foam Roll
Warm Up (EMOM For 9 Min):
40 sec on/20 sec off:
Jump Rope
Speed Skaters
Arm Circles
Met-Con (4 Rounds OR 20 Minutes):
Partner Workout
400m Run w/ Plate (25/15)
40 Ground 2 Overhead
30 Overhead Lunges
20 Plate Back Squats * All moves done with same plate * * 5 Burpee penalty every time reps are stopped * * Split reps except for the run * * Partner doesn't have plate on run *