Daily Programming
Warm Up (Down & Back):
- Knee Pull
- Hip Pull
- Quad Pull w/ Forward Lean
- Reverse Lunge w/ Hamstring Stretch
- Reverse Walking RDL
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- High Kicks
- Carioca
- Backpedal
Strength (3 Rounds):
- Handstand Hold (30 sec)
- Hollow Body Hold (20 sec)
* Keep perfect form in Hollow Body *
Met-Con (Every 3 Min For 15 Min):
Min 1-3:
- 200m Run
- Max Rep KB Swings (53/35)
Min 3-6:
- 200m Run
- Max Rep Wall Balls (20/14)
Min 6-9:
- 200m Run
- Max Rep Pull Ups (Strict)
Min 9-12:
- 200m Run
- Max Rep Lateral Box Overs (20"/16")
Min 12-15:
- 200m Run
- Max Rep Burpee Plate Jumps (45/25)
* Score is total reps of each move after 200m *
Strength (3 Rounds):
- Barbell Overhead Hold (30 sec)
- Hollow Body Hold (20 sec)
* Pick something heavy for overhead *
Met-Con (Every 3 Min For 15 Min):
Min 1-3:
- 200m Row
- Max Rep KB Swings (35/25)
Min 3-6:
- 200m Row
- Max Rep Wall Balls (14/10)
Min 6-9:
Min 9-12:
- 200m Row
- Max Rep Lateral Box Overs (16"/12")
Min 12-15:
- 200m Row
- Max Rep Burpee Plate Jumps (25/10)
* Score is total reps of each move after 200m *
Cash Out (3 Rounds):
20 Sec Each Position:
- Pillar Plank
- Side Plank (R)
- Side Plank (L)
- Push Up Plank
- Reverse Plank
* 1 min rest between rounds *
Mobility (NFT):
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Frog Pose
- Front Fold
- Triangle
- Pigeon Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll