"Show Me A Sign"
Warm Up (Complete):
3 Min Cardio (Your Choice):
- Row/Speed Skater/Step Up
Met-Con (2 Rounds):
Tabata (20 sec on/10 sec off):
- Knee Tuck Jump OR Squat w/Knee 2 Elbow
- KB Swing
- Push Up
- Jump Rope
- Plank On Rings
* Go through 4 rounds of each move 2x *
Cash Out (3 Min):
- Burpee Challenge
* You have 3 min to do as many Burpees as possible *
* Score = Reps *
* Pose total to the board *
Mobility (NFT):
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Internal Shoulder Rotation
- Eagle Arms
- Saddle Pose
- Butterfly
- Pigeon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Foam Roll