Warm Up (Down & Back): High Knees Butt Kicks High Kicks Lunge w/ Twist Spiderman Crawl w/ Elbow Drop Inch Worm Arm Circles Floor Sweeps Lateral Shuffle Met-Con (Complete): Both partners complete all reps: 50 Ball Slam + Plank 40 Wall Ball + Wall Sit 30 KB Swings + Farmers Carry 20 DB Step Up + Hollow Body Hold 10 Atomic Burpee + One Foot Balance 20 Step Ups + Hollow Body Hold 30 KB Deadlift + Farmers Carry 40 Air Squats + Wall Sit 50 Lateral Overs + Plank * One partner does reps, while other does the hold * * Break reps up as needed * * No partner? Do the hold for 20 sec for every break * Mobility (NFT): Couch Stretch Pigeon Pose Lizard Pose Dragon Pose Saddle Downward Dog Ankles/Calves/Shins Standing Wide Leg Fold Triangle Frog Pose Cobra Childs Pose Foam Roll