8 Med Ball Squats (50/30) * Superset moves * * Hug Med Ball at Chest Level *
Met-Con (3 Rounds):
5 Min Each Rounds (Max Reps)
0:00 - 2:00: 400m Run + Single Unders
2:01 - 3:00: DB Push Jerk (30/20)
3:01 - 4:00: Pull Ups
4:01 - 5:00 DB Hang Squat Clean (30/20) * Rest 3 Min between rounds * * Single Unders for the remaining time in first time sequence * * Score = Total Reps, including Jump Rope *
Strength (3 Rounds):
10 Heavy DB Front Rack Step Ups (5/5)
8 Med Ball Squats (50/30) * Superset moves * * Hug Med Ball at Chest Level *
Met-Con (3 Rounds):
5 Min Each Rounds (Max Reps)
0:00 - 2:00: 300m Run/Row + Single Unders
2:01 - 3:00: DB Push Press (30/20)
3:01 - 4:00: Ring Row
4:01 - 5:00 DB Hang Squat Clean (30/20) * Rest 3 Min between rounds * * Single Unders for the remaining time in first time sequence * * Score = Total Reps, including Jump Rope *
Mobility (NFT):
Pigeon Pose
Frog Pose
Couch Stretch
Front Fold
Banded Shoulder Distractions
Twisted Cross
Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Floor Sweeps
Lunge w/ Twist
Spiderman Crawl w/ Elbow Drop
Lateral Shuffle
Met-Con (3 Rounds):
5 Min Each Rounds (Max Reps)
0:00 - 2:00: 300m Run/Row + Single Unders
2:01 - 3:00: DB Push Press (30/20)
3:01 - 4:00: Ring Row
4:01 - 5:00 DB Hang Squat Clean (30/20) * Rest 3 Min between rounds * * Single Unders for the remaining time in first time sequence * * Score = Total Reps, including Jump Rope *