"But, You Can Never Leave"
Daily Programming
Warm Up (3 Rounds):
20 sec Each Move:
- Step Ups
- Air Squats
- Standing K2E
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Push Ups
- Superman
Strength (3 Rounds):
- 8 Single Arm Lateral DB Raise (8/8)
- Top of Ring Dip Hold (20 sec)
* Can scale Ring Dip Hold to Bench Dip Hold *
* Keep legs straight on Bench version *
* Superset moves *
* DO NOT lean to one side on Lateral Raise *
Met-Con (20 Min AMRAP):
1st 10 Minutes:
- 200m Run/Row
- 10 DB Power Clean
- 10 Box Jumps/Lateral Over
* Can use a BB for Power Clean if wanted *
* Alternate between Jumps & Lat Overs *
2nd 10 Minutes:
- 200m Run/Row
- 10 DB Snatch (10/10)
- 10 Step Ups
* No rest between rounds *
* Score = Total Rounds Completed *
Cash Out (2 Rounds):
Mobility (NFT):
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Capsule Stretch
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle
- Eagle Arms
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (3 Rounds):
20 sec Each Move:
- Step Ups
- Air Squats
- Standing K2E
- Plank Shoulder Taps
- Push Ups
- Superman
Met-Con (20 Min AMRAP):
1st 10 Minutes:
- 200m Run/Row
- 10 DB Power Clean
- 10 Box Jumps/Lateral Over
* Can use a BB for Power Clean if wanted *
* Alternate between Jumps & Lat Overs *
2nd 10 Minutes:
- 200m Run/Row
- 10 DB Snatch (10/10)
- 10 Step Ups
* No rest between rounds *
* Score = Total Rounds Completed *
Mobility (NFT):
- Ankles/Calves/Shins
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Capsule Stretch
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Lizard Pose
- Dragon Pose
- Saddle
- Eagle Arms
- Cobra
- Childs Pose
- Foam Roll