"Relax Said The Night Man"

Daily Programming

Warm Up (3 Rounds):

20 sec Each Move:

  • Step Ups
  • Air Squats
  • Standing K2E
  • Push Up Plank
  • Push Ups
  • Superman

Strength (3 Rounds):

  • 5 Supinated Grip Bent Over Row
  • 10 Hanging Med Ball Raise
  • 10 Single Arm Ring Row (5/5)
    * Scale Med Ball Raises to Knee Raises *
    * Sale S.A. Ring Row to regular Ring Row *

Met-Con (Death By):

Unbroken Wall Balls

  • 5, 10, 15, 29, 25, 30....etc
  • Calorie Row (10/7) Between Each Round
    * Rest as needed between rounds *
    * 30 Min Time Cap *
    * Any break in the Wall Balls and the workout is done *
    * Score = Highest Round of Wall Balls *

Cash Out (Russian Death)

Mobility (NFT):

  • Couch Stretch
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Banded Hip Distractions
  • Banded Shoulder Distractions
  • Twisted Cross
  • Capsule Stretch
  • Saddle Pose
  • Frog Pose
  • Cobra
  • Childs Pose
  • Foam Roll


Warm Up (3 Rounds):

20 sec Each Move:

  • Step Ups
  • Air Squats
  • Standing K2E
  • Push Up Plank
  • Push Ups
  • Superman

Met-Con (Death By):

Unbroken Wall Balls

  • 5, 10, 15, 29, 25, 30....etc
  • Calorie Row (10/7) Between Each Round
    * Rest as needed between rounds *
    * 30 Min Time Cap *
    * Any break in the Wall Balls and the workout is done *
    * Score = Highest Round of Wall Balls *

Mobility (NFT):

  • Couch Stretch
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Banded Hip Distractions
  • Banded Shoulder Distractions
  • Twisted Cross
  • Capsule Stretch
  • Saddle Pose
  • Frog Pose
  • Cobra
  • Childs Pose
  • Foam Roll

"You Can Check Out"


"Rest & Recovery"