Daily Programming
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Floor Sweeps
- Spiderman Crawls w/Elbow Drop
3 Min Cardio (Your Choice):
- Row/Run/Bike/Jump Rope/Speed Skaters
2 Rounds (NFT):
- 20 Hip Swings (10/10)
- Paleo Chair (30 sec)
- 10 Single Leg Squats to Box (5/5)
Strength (3-3-3-3-Max):
- Back Squat
* Add weight each set *
* Max reps on last set *
Met-Con (For Time):
- 100 Wall Balls
* 5 Burpee Plate Jumps on every break *
* A break is every time you drop the ball or hold it for 3 sec *
Strength (10-10-10-10-10):
- DB Front Squat
* Adjust weight in between sets as needed *
Met-Con (For Time):
- 100 Wall Balls
* 5 Burpee Plate Jumps on every break *
* A break is every time you drop the ball or hold it for 3 sec *
Extra Credit (2 x 15):
- Chainsaw (15/15)
- Triceps Pull Down
- Barbell Curl
Mobility (NFT):
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Smash Hips w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Banded Hip Distractions
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Capsule Stretch
- Butterfly
- Foam Roll
Warm Up (Complete):
Down & Back:
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Floor Sweeps
- Spiderman Crawls w/Elbow Drop
3 Min Cardio (Your Choice):
- Row/Run/Bike/Jump Rope/Speed Skaters
Met-Con (For Time):
- 100 Wall Balls
* 5 Burpee Plate Jumps on every break *
* A break is every time you drop the ball or hold it for 3 sec *
Extra Credit (2 x 15):
- Chainsaw (15/15)
- Triceps Pull Down
- Barbell Curl
- Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
- Smash Hips w/ Ball
- Banded Shoulder Distractions
- Banded Hip Distractions
- Couch Stretch
- Pigeon Pose
- Frog Pose
- Capsule Stretch
- Butterfly
- Foam Roll