"A Sad Song"

Daily Programming

Warm Up (Complete):

  • 400m Run
    * Plank however long it took to run *
    * Jump Rope however long it took to run *

1 Round (NFT):

  • PVC Pass Thrus (1 min)
  • PVC Press (1 min)
  • 20 Med Ball Floor Press


Strength (3RM):

  • Bench Press
    * Take 10-15 min working up to a heavy 3 *

Met-Con (4 Rounds Each Set):

  • Max Calories (1 min on/15 sec off)
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 10 DB Push Press + Max Rep DB Walking Lunges
    * Go heavy with the DBs *
    * Start with Push Press every round *
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 30 Sec Plank + Max Rep Med Ball Russian Twist (20/14)
    * Start with Plank every round *
    * Score = Calories + Lunges + Russian Twist *


Strength (10-10-10-10-10):

  • DB Floor Press
    * Work up as heavy as you can *

Met-Con (4 Rounds Each Set):

  • Max Calories (1 min on/15 sec off)
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 10 DB Push Press + Max Rep DB Walking Lunges
    * Go heavy with the DBs *
    * Start with Push Press every round *
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 30 Sec Plank + Max Rep Med Ball Russian Twist (20/14)
    * Start with Plank every round *
    * Score = Calories + Lunges + Russian Twist *

Mobility (NFT):

  • Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
  • Banded Shoulder Distractions
  • Chest Opener
  • Twisted Cross
  • Capsule Stretch
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Seated Front Fold
  • Triangle
  • Frog Pose
  • Saddle
  • Cobra
  • Childs Pose
  • Foam Roll


Warm Up (Complete):

  • 400m Run
    * Plank however long it took to run *
    * Jump Rope however long it took to run *

Met-Con (4 Rounds Each Set):

  • Max Calories (1 min on/15 sec off)
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 10 DB Push Press + Max Rep DB Walking Lunges
    * Go heavy with the DBs *
    * Start with Push Press every round *
    * Repeat 4 times before switching *

Rest 1 Min Then...

  • 30 Sec Plank + Max Rep Med Ball Russian Twist (20/14)
    * Start with Plank every round *
    * Score = Calories + Lunges + Russian Twist *

Mobility (NFT):

  • Smash Shoulders w/ Ball
  • Banded Shoulder Distractions
  • Chest Opener
  • Twisted Cross
  • Capsule Stretch
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Seated Front Fold
  • Triangle
  • Frog Pose
  • Saddle
  • Cobra
  • Childs Pose
  • Foam Roll

"Justice & The Law"


"What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger"