"Wanna Be A Balla"

Daily Programming

Warm Up (Complete):

  • 50 Jump Rope
  • 40 Step Ups (20/20)
  • 30 Plank Ups
  • 20 Hollow Rocks
  • 10 Superman
    * Can scale to Hollow Body Hold *

Strength (3 x 10):

  • Chin Ups
  • Chainsaw (10/10)
    * Scale to Chin up grip on Lat Pull Downs *

Met-Con (2 Rounds):

3 Min AMRAP:

  • 200m Run/Row
  • 20 Walking Lunges w/ Slam Ball (10/10)
  • 10 Ball Slams (30/20)

Rest 1 Min Then...

3 Min AMRAP:

  • 12 Push Ups
  • 16 Ring Row
  • 20 DB Snatches (10/10)
    * Rest 1 min and start back at beginning *

Ab Blaster (Complete):

  • 100 V-Ups
    * 20 sec Plank every break *

Mobility (NFT):

  • Front Fold
  • Triangle
  • Dragon Pose
  • Lizard Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Frog Pose
  • Fragon
  • Straddle
  • Saddle
  • Eagle Arms
  • Twisted Cross
  • Foam Roll


Warm Up (Complete):

  • 50 Jump Rope
  • 40 Step Ups (20/20)
  • 30 Plank Ups
  • 20 Hollow Rocks
  • 10 Superman
    * Can scale to Hollow Body Hold *

Met-Con (2 Rounds):

3 Min AMRAP:

  • 200m Run/Row
  • 20 Walking Lunges w/ Slam Ball (10/10)
  • 10 Ball Slams (30/20)

Rest 1 Min Then...

3 Min AMRAP:

  • 12 Push Ups
  • 16 Ring Row
  • 20 DB Snatches (10/10)
    * Rest 1 min and start back at beginning *

Mobility (NFT):

  • Front Fold
  • Triangle
  • Dragon Pose
  • Lizard Pose
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Frog Pose
  • Fragon
  • Straddle
  • Saddle
  • Eagle Arms
  • Twisted Cross
  • Foam Roll

"Cash Money Millionaire"

